Energy Management

Track your consumption every second and save 30% of your cooling cost and 10% of lighting cost
Buildings are responsible for 44% of global energy consumption. That is why we are convinced that sustainable energy management must be standard in every building! Simple, automated and transparent
3-Step Guide to True Energy Efficiency
1. Recording and visualising all energy flows:
The first step to true energy management is knowing where the energy goes within the building, how much it consumes and how much it produces. The Loxone energy flow monitor plays a central role here. All data can be displayed in real time in an attractive visualization in the Loxone App. This information is used to create a clear overview of the current energy status of the building and targeted optimization measures can be taken.
2. Reducing basic power consumption:
Loxone can be used to find ways to reduce the base load, for example by automatically switching off unnecessary consumers. Potential energy leaks are also uncovered. Common energy wasters include air conditioning or ventilation systems that run at high levels even when no one is in the building.
3. Shifting energy consumption:
With Loxone’s unique software, energy consumption can be shifted to times when energy is cheaper or even free – especially when solar energy is available.
Data capture first, and manage second

Data for PV System
- Capture surplus & use it optimally
- Link to spot price
- Energy flow monitoring

Home connections and consumers data.
- Recording consumption
- Energy flow monitoring
- Recognizing details of the devices
- Preventing overload
- Record household consumption
- Recognize and reduce base load
- Record large consumers
- Peak load management (15-minute measurement)
- Billing for tenant electricity

Much more data available
- Phase-neutral voltage
- Active power
- Meter reading consumption/delivery
- Apparent power
- Reactive power
- Reactive power consumption meter reading
- Reactive power output meter reading
- Power factor
- Phase angle
- Frequency and more…